/ News / Markus Wesjohann joins the Board of Directors of PHW

Markus Wesjohann joins the Board of Directors of PHW

Rechterfeld, 22nd June 2010. Markus Wesjohann has joined the Board of Directors of PHW as of 1st July 2010. The outgoing managing director of Lohmann Animal Health GmbH & Co. KG will assume the responsibility for the companies of the PHW Group located in Cuxhaven (Nutrilo, Lohmann Animal Health – including the holding company Vibalogics) as well as for the US companies LAH International and Nutri Mack. In the business segment Animal Health and Nutrition, he will additionally take care of the holding company GePro (Diepholz). 


 Markus Wesjohann (35 years old / Business Studies graduate) has been working in the family enterprise since April 2002. He gained first experience in the work of the Board as assistant of the former Board member Harm Specht from Cuxhaven. He became an authorized signatory (Prokurist) for Lohmann Animal Health in 2004 and together with Dr. Bruno Kaesler he assumed the management two years later. 


Peter Wesjohann (speaker), Doris Wesjohann, Dr. Heinrich Paul Dröge and Adrian von Klopmann are members of the Board of Directors of PHW at present.

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